Home Health Care Vs Nursing Homes

Although nursing homes are a preferred choice among the masses when it comes to taking care of seniors, home health care is more beneficial to the long-term health of the elderly. Firstly, recovery is much easier and usually is a faster transition within the confines of their own home. Due to the familiar surroundings of home, home health care is less stressful and recuperation is much more comfortable, and there is no requirement of adapting to a routine set by a nursing home.


Within the presence of family and loved ones, the recovery process – from both a psychological and physical standpoint – is far quicker than in comparison to a nursing home. There are also no stringent rules such as visiting hours or the number of visitors permitted to visit the recovering senior.


Home care is also an economical option, since there are no boarding and room expenses. Also, the process of taking care of an ailing family member, with the aid of a registered nurse or therapist, helps solidify a fruitful bond during testing times.

Estimates suggest that individuals receiving health care at home can save up to 70% on their medical expenses in comparison to hospitalization, and they can save nearly 30% when it comes to a nursing home. These numbers have led to the ever growing popularity of home health care for senior citizens.

Up to Par Medical Technology

With the rapid growth and advancement in technology, many routine medical treatments and therapies that used to only be available in a hospital can now be translated into a comfortable home environment. Many home health care companies offer a vast variety of medical care.

If any technical procedures such as wound care or skin care are required, a registered nurse can take care of that at home. Registered home health care nurses can also help with clothing changes, personal hygiene such as brushing and bathing, and they can ensure the proper dietary intake that will improve health and recovery.

More Freedom

Home care allows more freedom for seniors than a nursing home. They can visit others as they please and can have flexible meal times. There is not a stringent “all or nothing” daily schedule. Plus, additional modifications can be made to the home to ensure a complete level of comfort that is unmatched by hospitals and nursing homes.

It is still important to consult the family over such decisions, b

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What to Look for in a Home Health Care Provider

Anyone in need of home health care deserves non-medical care or in home medical care that is compassionate whether the patient is a child, adult or elder. Home health care services are provided anywhere except for in nursing homes or a hospital. These services may even be provided at an assisted living facility, a school, apartment or house.

As far as care plans go, there are a wide variety of personal care and nursing services that are not just available, they are tailored for the needs of each individual recipient. Customized care plans and follow up assessments should be provided by a registered nurse.

Nursing Supervision and Case Management

The care that is provided by personal care assistants and home health aides is typically supervised by a registered nurse. One of these registered nurses should be on call at all times in order to assist the caregivers as well as to provide medical training and oversight and to implement the plans of care.

Elder or Adult Care

Are you aware of the fact that 75% of the health care costs in the US are incurred by only 12% of Americans? These people generally have some type of chronic illness. The benefits of this type of individualized home care include much more than just being able to keep someone at home for their illness as opposed to being institutionalized or put in a long term care facility. As far as cost goes, home care visits are roughly only 10% of what a single day in the hospital will cost.

Additionally, home health care has a track record that has been proven when it comes to things such as reducing readmissions to the hospital, expensive visits to the emergency room and in managing chronic illnesses. In addition, there is scientific evidence that has proven that patients are able to heal faster when they are in their own homes. Both morbidity and mortality rates are reduced in patients who take advantage of home health care. In fact, 90% of seniors facing long term care in nursing homes prefer to stay home and get the services of a home health care provider.

Private Elder Care Coordination, Planning and Management

This involves both advising and then assisting families when it comes to determining the necessities of an aging adult. These caregivers are able to navigate many of the long term type of care resources that are available in your area. The goal here is to educate and inform the family of what the options are and them to assist them with the implementation of their decision. Typically this is done by an RN who has been certified and specially trained in the area of geriatrics who can provide:

The services of being a liaison for family members who may live a great distance away
Educating and advocating for the patient
Assisting with paperwork and forms that are related to insurance, medical assistant and Medicare
Screening, arranging for and then monitoring any in home help or options for institutional or residential care options
Care planning that is tailored to the patient

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